We Know: All About Candle Making

What are Candles Made From?

Candles are produced from a wide variety of waxes including paraffin, beeswaxes, vegetable waxes, and gel waxes. Wicks are usually made from tightly woven strands of cotton. Scents are an optional addition to the wax through the use of special oils.

What Supplies are Needed for Candle Making?

Depending on the type of wax you are using and what candles you want to make, the supplies you will need vary. The first thing that you will need is some kind of mold to form your candle and hold its shape until it sets. You will also need a wick to light your candle when you are ready to burn it. These are readily available in craft stores.

You need a double broiler or an old pot that you can use for melting wax and a candle, candy, or meat thermometer, to help you ascertain temperature. Wooden spoons are necessary for stirring and old bowls work best for the quick cold water bath that your candle will require.

What goes into the Candles Besides Wax?

Aside from the wax, you will need a few more ingredients. You can add color to your candles by buying special candle colorants at craft supply stores in the form of cakes, chips, powder, or liquid. You can also shred up some old broken crayons and melt them with your wax. While this method creates very uniquely colored candles, something about the crayon wax compromises the quality of the candle causing it not to burn as well.

Many popular candles today are scented and you can achieve an aromatic candle through the use of fragrance oil or chips that are also found at craft stores. It is important to not use any alcohol based oils when you make candles.

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