We Know: Different Types of Garage Floors

What are different types of Garage floors?

There are many different types of garage floors, but they can be broken down into two distinct categories:

  • Epoxy Garage Floor coverings like EpoArmor, and Quikcrete, that are painted on. This sealant will resist stains while sealing the floor, and make it attractive.
  • Synthetic rubber and plastic mats like Dynotile or Garagetek will hide any flooring damage. In addition, these floors are easy on your feet and legs. They come in rolled sheets with channels that allow water and other liquids to drain and prevent pooling in your garage.


  • Epoxy floor covering costs about $.50 -$3.50 per square foot, before installation, (but you can install it yourself) The price would depend on whether you purchase 1 part epoxy (just paint), or 2 part epoxy (with non-slip aggregate).
  • The synthetic floor squares and mats range from $3.99 to $6.00 per square foot.

What type of Garage floor is easiest to install?

None of these flooring options is difficult to install. The easiest would probably be:

  • The synthetic rubber sheet and tiles,as they go right on the floor with a little trimming, if any.
  • Floor epoxies are also easy to install, but the process can be time consuming.

You should always purchase the best materials you can afford to ensure durability and ease of installation.

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