We Know: All About Vitamin D

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which primary function is to maintain blood levels of Calcium and Phosphorus at a norm, keeping bones healthy.

What Foods Contain Vitamin D?

It is found is wide array of foods such as fatty fish, egg (yolk), liver; and D fortified foods such as Milk, margarine and breakfast cereals. Sun exposure is also is a very significant source vitamin D

Who Needs Extra Vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiencies are most common in people with a poor diet but can also be found in people with low exposure to sunlight. People who suffer from milk allergies, lactose intolerance and vegans are often vitamin D deficient and need supplementation

What are the Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency?

In children, vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets; a bone disease in which the body fails to mineralize bone tissue, resulting in soft bones and skeletal deformities

In adults, vitamin D deficiency can cause osteomalacia, a disease causing muscle weakness as well as brittle and painful bones.

What are the Risks of Too Much Vitamin D?

Too much vitamin D (vitamin D toxicity) can cause nausea and vomiting, excessive thirst and urination, constipation, weight loss. Raised blood levels of calcium which in turn can lead to heart rhythm abnormalities are results of extreme toxicity

Talk to your doctor before taking vitamin D supplements or if you suspect toxicity.

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