We Know: All about Tyrosine

What is tyrosine?

The body creates tyrosine from phenylalanine, and is a nonessential amino acid. Tyrosine is necessary for the body to be able to create certain brain chemicals and the body's natural ability to reduce pain.

For what symptoms is tyrosine taken?

Tyrosine is believed to solve many physical ills, but definitive studies proving its effectiveness are limited to the following:

  • Drug withdrawal. Some use tyrosine as part of a drug treatment program when treating their addiction to cocaine. Others have used it when withdrawing from caffeine and nicotine.
  • Stress. Norepinephine and epinephrine are the body's biggest anti-stress hormones and they both contain tyrosine. When people take tyrosine before a stressful event, it will help them to handle it better.
  • Vitiligo. Vitiligo is an irregular depigmentation of the skin that results in white patches. Ultraviolet radiation therapy used in conjunction with phenylalanine, which produces tyrosine, can darken the white skin patches.

What should I know about taking tyrosine?

The following is a list of things you should know about tyrosine:

  1. Do not take tyrosine if you are already taking antidepressant medications, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), morphine, or levodopa appetite suppressant medications.
  2. Tyrosine is available as a tablet or capsule.
  3. Always check with your doctor before taking any supplement, but most will recommend taking tyrosine in three daily doses at least 30 minutes before each meal, along with a multivitamin-mineral complex.
  4. Tyrosine can produce headaches, so those prone to migraines should not take it.

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