We Know: All About Skin Cancer

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin Cancer (Melanoma) occurs when melanocytes (pigment cells) become malignant. It is one of the most common cancers.

How can I avoid getting Skin Cancer?

  • The risk of melanoma is greatest for people who have a large number of dysplastic nevi. (a condition affecting the number and shape of moles).
  • Having many moles (50 or more) increases the risk of developing melanoma.
  • Melanoma occurs more frequently in people who have fair skin that burns or freckles easily (these people also usually have red or blond hair and blue eyes) than in people with dark skin.
  • People who have been treated for melanoma have a high risk of a second melanoma. People who had one or more of the common skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma) are at increased risk of melanoma.
  • About 10 percent of all patients with melanoma have a family member with this disease.
  • UV radiation from the sun causes premature aging of the skin and skin damage that can lead to melanoma.

What are the symptoms of skin cancer?

Often, the first sign of melanoma is a change in the size, shape, color, or feel of an existing mole. Most melanomas have a black or blue-black area. Look for two or more of the following (ABCD's)

  • Asymmetry÷Normal moles are symmetric.
  • Border÷ ragged notched blurred or regular out one.
  • Color÷ but even collar exchange of black from tan or even gray white red or pink.
  • Diameter÷Melanomas are usually larger than the eraser of a pencil (1/4 inch or 5 millimeters).

In more advanced melanoma, the texture of the mole may change. Melanomas may also feel different from the regular moles.

Is there a cure for skin cancer?

Melanoma can be eliminated if diagnosed before it can grow deep into the skin and invade healthy tissue, spreading to other parts of the body. However, it is often likely to reoccur.

How can I prevent skin cancer?

People at risk for any reason should check their skin regularly and have regular skin exams by a health care. Things you can do to avoid the risk of skin cancer are:

  • If you must be outside, between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, wear long sleeves, long pants, and a hat with a wide brim.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation that can penetrate light clothing, windshields, and windows.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation reflected by sand, water, snow, and ice.
  • Help protect your skin by using a lotion, cream, or gel that contains sunscreen with a 30 SPF or higher. Wear sunglasses that have UV-absorbing lenses (at least 99 percent of UVA and UVB radiation) to protect both the eyes and the skin around the eyes.

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