We Know: All About Probiotics

What are Probiotics?

The word probiotics comes from the Greek word pro, meaning for, and biotic, meaning life. It is well established that not all bacteria that exist in the human body are harmful. In fact, some bacteria are very much necessary in the digestive system. There are naturally occurring sources of good bacteria, such as the lactobacillus in yogurt. Dietary supplements, called probiotics, contain bacteria that can be beneficial.

Why do People Take Probiotics?

The standard American diet leaves much to be desired. The use of antibiotics, alcohol, and other drugs has been linked to the destruction of good bacteria in the body, as have higher rates of stress. As the levels of good bacteria decrease, bacteria that are harmful are more able to multiple. Probiotics are thought to stimulate conditions in the digestive system that allow good bacteria to multiply.

What are the Benefits of Probiotics?

Probiotics assist in encouraging the growth and preservation of bacteria that are beneficial to the human body. Benefits to the immune and digestive system are just two of the impacts of maintaining a healthy level of good bacteria. Positive effects on insomnia, constipation and even stress-related illnesses have been noted. It is also believed that healthy levels of good bacteria assist in the prevention of some forms of cancer.

What Types of Probiotics are Available?

Probiotics are available in some dairy products and other foods that have been fortified with them. There are also tablets and capsules that contain probiotics in a freeze-dried form.

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