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We Know: All About the Symptoms of Pregnancy

What are pregnancy symptoms?

The symptoms that indicate whether or not a woman is pregnant can vary quite a bit from woman to woman. However, these symptoms can begin within a week of conception and continue throughout the pregnancy. Many of the symptoms, however, tend to dissipate around the second trimester.

What symptoms can indicate a woman is pregnant?

There are several ways your body may let you know that you've conceived. These symptoms usually appear within a week or two of conception-right around the time you should be expecting a period.

  • Bleeding: This may seem like quite a paradox, but light bleeding can be an indicator of pregnancy. Typically at around the time you would begin menstruating, the embryo implants itself in the uterine lining causing a light red, pink or brownish spotting to occur. This is not your period and is usually much lighter than a period.

  • Tender Breasts: This is a big giveaway for many women. A few weeks after conception, your breasts may begin to swell, become sore or tender to the touch. Increases in hormones causes this and the pain usually goes away once your body becomes accustomed to expecting.

  • Exhaustion: If you feel like you can barely get through a normal day without collapsing on the bed at night, you might just be pregnant. Your body is going through a lot right now as it prepares itself to carry a baby to term.

  • Nausea: The most famous of the pregnancy symptoms, morning sickness can be a real indicator of pregnancy. It usually begins about a month after conception and stops in the second trimester.
  • Food Cravings and Aversions: It may be the stereotypical pregnant woman who craves all sorts of strange food combinations, but it is even more common to experience aversions to foods. Even if it was once your favorite, certain dishes could make you feel nauseous at the sight or smell of them. This sensitivity to foods can last throughout pregnancy.

What are common symptoms pregnant women experience during the second and third trimesters?

  • Frequent Urge to Urinate: Once you become pregnant, your body is on overload, producing more fluids and blood to accommodate baby. With all of these added fluids, it's no wonder you're needing to rush to the bathroom more often. Also, as your pregnancy progresses, the added pressure of the fetus on your bladder can make you feel as though you've got to go as well.

  • Headaches: With all of those hormones fluctuating and pulsing throughout your body, headaches are a pretty common symptom of expecting.

  • Lower Back Pain: Even though you may experience some lower back pain during the onset of pregnancy, it is more commonly experienced later on. As your belly continues to grow, more and more weight is thrown onto your lower back, causing a bit of strain and pain.

  • Darkened Areolas: With increased blood flow and hormonal increases, the areolas-the skin that surrounds the nipples-can become darker.

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