We Know: 8 Signs Your Pet is Having Health Problems

How will I know if my pet is having health problems?

To recognize signs of illness in your pets, you need to be very observant. If you spend play and grooming time with your pet on a daily basis, you will surely notice these obvious signs that something is wrong. The eight basic signs your pet is having health problems are:

  1. Inappropriate elimination
  2. Personality change (interaction, activity level)
  3. Change in sleeping habits
  4. Appetite change
  5. Weight gain or loss
  6. Increased/decreased vocalization
  7. Bad odors or hygiene
  8. Changes in coat or skin

What does inappropriate elimination signal?

If your cat takes to urinating outside of the litter box movement or your dog starts peeing in the living room, do not dismiss their behavior as spiteful. This may signal urinary track or kidney disease. It can also mean they have arthritis making it difficult to get to the litter box or signaling you that they have to pee. Urinary tract infections need to be addressed immediately. Inappropriate bowel elimination could be a sign of intestinal problems.

What does it mean if my pets personality changes?

If your pet suddenly becomes anti social, this may mean he or she is in pain and wants to avoid being touched. The pain can be signaled by arthritis, painful teeth or other problems. A pet becoming less active may also mean arthritis and a dramatic increase in activity may signal hyperthyroidism.

What does it mean if my pets are sleeping too much?

Pets appear to be sleeping all the time, but they generally wake immediately in the presence of their owners. If they are sleeping more soundly, or have trouble waking up, you should have them checked for underlying disease.

What does it mean if my pet starts eating more or less than before?

Decreased food intake can mean anything from poor dental health to cancer. Increased appetite can signal diabetes, hyperthyroidism or other diseases. Increased water intake can also signal these problems. Monitor their food and water intake if you think they may have changed their eating and drinking habits.

What can be the problem If my pet has a noticeable weight change?

Weight loss can mean cancer or immune deficiency disease. Weight gain signals thyroid and diabetes problems.

What does it mean if my pet becomes more or less vocal?

Pets, especially cats become more vocal when they are anxious or in pain. Whimpering or unusually quiet pets may be lethargic and should be taken to see a doctor.

What is the problem if my pets have hygiene problems?

Pets that over groom may have a skin condition. Pets that have difficulty grooming may be obese or have an underlying disease. If your pets become smelly, try to determine the source of the odor. They can have an ear, teeth, skin, or intestinal infection.

What is the problem in my pet has coat or skin changes?

Changes in your pets coat can signal flea or tick infestation which will lead to worse problems. Hotspots (sores with missing hair) are not only unsightly but can become infected and need medical attention. If your pet sheds what seems to be an unreasonable amount, you should have them checked for skin conditions as well.

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