We Know: All About Hives

What are hives?

Hives are a skin irritation characterized by eruptions that are either red or paler than the surrounding skin, are extremely itchy, and are usually the result of an allergic reaction to a plant or medication. Also known as urticaria, hives can arise quickly and last for only a few minutes or may take several days to fade.

What causes hives?

Hives are the body's response to an allergen. Common substances that cause hives as an allergic reaction include pet dander, peanuts, shellfish, sunlight, heat, insect bites, bee stings and eggs. Other causes include allergic reactions to food coloring and preservatives, stress, exercise and certain medications.

What are symptoms of hives?

Other than the redness or paleness of the skin associated with hives, the condition can also cause severe itching and swelling. The individual welts can sometimes spread to form a larger mass, that is flat and raised. Hives can also appear and disappear quite rapidly. In extreme cases, hives can cause difficulty breathing due to swelling of the throat or areas on the face.

What are some ways to treat hives?

Often, hives require no treatment and go away on their own. Antihistamines are often given to reduce the swelling and itching associated with hives and decrease the level of inflammation.

How can hives be prevented?

Since everyone's reactions are different it is hard to say what will prevent hives from ever occurring. However, avoiding those products, foods or items that have caused an allergic reaction in the past is a good start. Avoiding wearing tight or chaffing clothing can also help reduce the reoccurrence of hives.

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