We Know: All About Growth Hormone

What is growth hormone?

The growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland that controls tissue and skeletal growth in children and adolescents. This hormone works in conjunction with the thyroid in regulating growth and development. It is often abbreviated GH and is also called somatropin and somatotropin.

What does the growth hormone do in the human body?

The growth hormone can be most easily recognized for its role in causing human height growth. The growth hormone also keeps bones strong by increasing the retention of calcium in the body. GH controls muscle growth, boosts the immune system and regulates the growth of many organ systems as well.

What is growth hormone deficiency?

Growth hormone deficiency can be caused by damage to the pituitary gland by injury or disease, malformations in the womb and genetic mutations. This deficiency displays itself in children by short stature and failure to grow.

What is growth hormone excess?

When there is an excess of the human growth hormone in the body, it is typically caused by a pituitary tumor that grows steadily, placing increasing pressure on optic nerves and causing thickening of the jaw bone and digits. If this type of tumor occurs during childhood, it can cause pituitary gigantism, or excessive growth.

How can someone tell if they have a growth hormone deficiency or excess?

If there is suspicion of a growth hormone problem, a doctor will typically order a growth hormone test. The test involves monitoring the GH levels in the body over time.

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