We Know: All About Bodybuilding

What is Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding relies on two principles: the growth of muscle fibers and the decrease of body fat percentage. Bodybuilders rely on strict weight training routines and specific diets to lower their fat percentages to around 6 percent, but some can go even lower to around 3 or 4 percent. Some people choose to become bodybuilders for recreation and others do it as a competitive sport. There are competitions all across the world--the most prestigious is Mr. Olympia hosted by the International Federation of Bodybuilders.

What Type of Diet Do Bodybuilders Follow?

Just as with any type of diet, for weight loss or other reasons, easing into the right diet for bodybuilding is crucial for achieving success. To promote the greatest achievement, good bodybuilders follow three principle rules within their diets. First, meals are smaller, and more frequent, which helps keep the body’s metabolism active. Secondly, each meal is carefully calculated to reflect a balance of 40 percent carbohydrates, 40 percent protein, and 20 percent healthy fats. And finally, the calorie levels of meals should be “cycled” or varied so the body and metabolism do not settle and become accustomed to any particular calorie level.

What are Some Important Rules For Bodybuilding Training Routines?

Because the goal of bodybuilders is to build muscle mass while lowering body fat levels, weight training plays an especially vital role in bodybuilding training sessions. That said, there are four main rules to remember during training.

  1. Keep it short. Ideal training sessions should last between 45 and 75 minutes, with an average of 60 minutes. After 75 minutes, the body’s production of testosterone, the hormone important to building muscle and burning fat, starts to decline.
  2. Take small rests between sets. Taking small rests between sets helps enhance the cardiovascular system and helps the body do more work in a shorter amount of time.
  3. Keep repetitions between 8 and 15. With this number of reps, you have more control over the weights and the risk of injury is lower. Also, this keeps the blood flowing, bringing nutrients to the muscles and aiding in their growth.
  4. Cycles are key. Just as with the diet, training sessions should be varied too. This not only helps prevent boredom on the part of the bodybuilder, but it also promotes muscle growth.

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