We Know: All About Feng Shui

What is feng shui?

Pronounced "fung shway," feng shui is the Chinese practice of placing items in the home or workplace so that ch'i or energy is able to move freely for maximum health and happiness.

What is the history of feng shui?

Feng shui means "wind and water" in Chinese. This practice originated in Ancient China where construction was difficult and required extensive planning due to the harsh elements and terrain. Feng shui is a way of constructing or placing items so that they do not disrupt the natural world. It was introduced to Americans during the gold rush and is now a sort of design trend. People will consult feng shui practitioners to bring their homes and lives in harmony with nature.

What is the role of yin and yang in feng shui?

Yin and Yang are the opposing energies in the universe according to Chinese beliefs. Often attributed to male and female properties, yin and yang respectively create a balance of energy in the world. Having an item in the wrong place throws off this balance creating too much yin or too much yang and, therefore, disrupting ch'i.

What objects maximize the flow of ch'i?

Objects that allow energy to flow through or around them easily promote the ideals of feng shui. Such objects include reflective objects like mirrors, flags, fountains and wind chimes.

What purpose do colors serve in feng shui?

Colors help to attract certain types of energy in the home or workplace. For high energy, vibrant colors like orange and red would be appropriate. For a more tranquil space, calming shades like white and pink would suffice. When placed in a certain area of a room or in a certain direction, colors can bring about desired ends.

  • Red: Signifies truth, power and glory.
  • Blue: A calm color that represents peace and contemplation. Blue hues should be placed in areas where you meditate or do any sort of in depth thinking.
  • Green: This shade is associated with vitality and represents fertility. Green items should be placed in health-oriented areas of the home like the bathroom.
  • Yellow: A bright hue that signifies acceptance. Yellow is great for the living room or any area of the home where guests will be greeted.

Where can I get more information on feng shui?

There are several books available that can help those interested learn more about living in harmony with nature and how to practice feng shui. Some popular titles include:

  • Creating Sacred Space With Feng Shui: Learn the Art of Space Clearing and Bring New Energy into Your Life by Karen Kingston
  • Feng Shui Your Life by Jayme Barrett
  • Feng Shui For Skeptics: Real Solutions Without Superstition by Kartar Diamond

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